Sandy Thybony "Random Conversations"

Show through the end of September

Wynken, Blynken and Nod, 24" x 30", Acrylic on board

Her Guardian Raven, 24" x 12", Acrylic on board

Training Day, 20" x 16”, Acrylic on board

Petrichor, 14" x 11", Acrylic on board

Spring Snow, 14" x 11" , Acrylic on board

Raven Totem, 24" x 12", Vinyl paint on board

Wingspan, 12" x 24", Acrylic on board

Goats Like Standing on Things, 20" x 16", Acrylic on board

Finders Keepers, 14" x 11", Acrylic on board

Old Yeller, 20" x 16", Acrylic on board

Sandy Thybony "Aerial Perspectives Show"

Show through the end of September

Leonardo da Vinci wrote “Colours become weaker in proportion to their distance from the person who is looking at them.”

And we add a wink and a nod to ravens who have an aerial perspective all their own.

Stormy Skies 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

Stormy Skies 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

The Bunny Room 20” X 16”, Acrylic, $450

The Bunny Room 20” X 16”, Acrylic, $450

The Red Balloon 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

The Red Balloon 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

The Green Room 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

The Green Room 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

The Blue Room 20” X 16”, Acrylic, $450

The Blue Room 20” X 16”, Acrylic, $450

Flying to the Sun 14” X 11”, Acrylic, $295

Flying to the Sun 14” X 11”, Acrylic, $295

Canyon Raven 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

Canyon Raven 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

Self Portrait 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

Self Portrait 16” X 12”, Acrylic, $325

Star-Crossed Raven 24” X 12”, Acrylic, $485

Star-Crossed Raven 24” X 12”, Acrylic, $485

Raven’s Raincoat 24” X 12”, Acrylic, $485

Raven’s Raincoat 24” X 12”, Acrylic, $485

Sandy Thybony "A Scattering of Light"

“Being a figurative artist I’m always searching for subjects that intrigue me.  I love painting serious little faces of time-lost children and I have a fine obsession with ravens who act like nature’s court jesters. Primarily, I use acrylic paints and inks to express my feelings about my subjects.

Since most of my paintings are story-centered I begin with an idea. These ideas can come from poems or books I’ve read — Edgar Heard a Tapping was inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven, or from a casual remark a friend has made —“She was on her high horse that day!” was the inspiration for Her High Horse.  And sometimes ideas come out of nowhere like for Little Redhead.

Painting is a solitary, often lonely occupation and sometimes even I wonder what keeps me painting.  During these tumultuous times I’d say it was a longing for distraction as well as a rejection of, and a fighting against, the gloom.  There is deep satisfaction and joy in working through the doubt and the daily bout of angst by creating with simple materials like paints and color.”

Her High Horse 24” x 12”

Her High Horse 24” x 12”

Ghost Raven 24” x 12”

Ghost Raven 24” x 12”

Big Raven 12” x 9”

Big Raven 12” x 9”

Red Sun, Blue Sky 14” x 11”

Red Sun, Blue Sky 14” x 11”

Raven On a Pedestal 24” x 18”

Raven On a Pedestal 24” x 18”

Norwood Kidnaps the Performing Chicken 20” x 16”

Norwood Kidnaps the Performing Chicken 20” x 16”

Little Redhead 14” x 11”

Little Redhead 14” x 11”

Yellow Sky, Red Sun 14” x 11”

Yellow Sky, Red Sun 14” x 11”

The Irish Three 18” x 24”

The Irish Three 18” x 24”

Bird 14” x 11”

Bird 14” x 11”

Edgar Heard a Tapping 16” x 20”

Edgar Heard a Tapping 16” x 20”