Michele Naylor "Unexpected Places"

“I start each painting by choosing a color palette. From there it’s anything goes.

I know there will be texture, either real or implied, and maybe a shape of an actual object, but I never set out to paint a certain image. I just play – I add, subtract, think, squint, step back, get closer, leave the room, come back later…it all works out in the end.”

Without an Equal 4 X 12

Under Happy Circumstances 10 X 10

The Tidepool’s Song 10 X 8

The Secret Trail 4 X 4

Takes My Fancy 12 X 9

Silent Sentinel 24 X 36

Saguaro #23 16 X 20

Saguaro #22 8 X 10

Requires Discernment 10 X 10

Opposite Qualities 12 X 16

Of Sound Heart 24 X 30

Much Impressed 6 X 6

Kitten on the Keys 20 X 20

I Knew I Could Rely 12 X 12

Evening Mist 4 X 12

Delicately Signified 6 X 12