sam jones
Sam Jones has painted landscapes of the Southwest for over twenty years. Originally from Salt Lake City, he grew up in a household of artists where he was turned onto painting at an early age. Now a resident of Flagstaff, he works as a boatman on the Colorado River.
“My paintings usually begin on location. When I start a painting, I try not to have too many expectations about where it might lead me. I try to paint as directly as I can, which is to say, I often end up paintings as hard and fast as possible without getting sloppy. Obviously, there is only so long any painter can keep up this sort of effort. I find the trick is to have the bulk of the painting done when the energy begins to wain
I enjoy the spontaneity of deciding what to paint fairly quickly and starting into it right away. I tend to make quick decisions in regards to the application of paint throughout the process. One of the most attractive things about watercolor pain is the way it reveals the history of its application. I have always been attracted to paintings that have an energy of execution revealed in their dried paint. Paintings that are done well with speed and confidence have an interesting story to tell.“
Shedded Up Motor Rig
Granite Park, Grand Canyon, AZ
Shady Corridor Below Fall Canyon, Grand Canyon